There are numerous styles of log cabins available, all of which originate from countries around the globe.
The Scandinavian style of bespoke log cabins, for example, are generally smaller, with often just one open plan living space. A Scandinavian BBQ hut can sometimes be identified by a roof that has a green, living turf added. A red coloured stain can also be added to these BBQ cabins and huts, as these preserve the wood, as well as adding an eye-catching finish.
North American style log cabins are often luxurious, with large, stone fireplaces and spacious porches. The decor for these sorts of outdoor huts and gazebos is generally quite traditional, with plenty of soft furnishings and a warming colour scheme. Large windows and balconies are other common features of American log cabins.
Log cabins often have a roof that slopes, along with shorter, thicker walls. These are Alpine in style, and are the perfect shape and construction to withstand colder, more wintry temperatures and conditions. With the roof often projecting out far from the gable ends, snow and water will easily fall far enough from the structure to avoid any damage.
Other more unusual styles of bespoke log cabins include the Japanese form. These log cabins are simple in design, with a basic living space. They are also hard-wearing and warm, with large airy spaces in the roof area also the norm.
Here at Logspan, we can provide you with all the advice and information you need to select your perfect log cabins, so give our friendly team a call today.