Many people opt to purchase a log cabin if they are looking to reduce their carbon footprint and live a more sustainable lifestyle.
Although there are numerous ways of achieving this, there is the option of building off-the-grid bespoke log cabins.
Choosing an appropriate location could be a key component of successful log cabins that use little to no mainstream services. You could position it close to running water, for instance, or ensure there is access to trees for firewood if you have permission to cut these down.
Other factors to consider include building an eco-friendly barbeque lodge and utilising alternative sources of power. These could range from the more commonly used solar panels and wind turbines, to the less well-known micro-hydro electricity generators. The success of these not only depends on your budget, but also where your bespoke log cabin is located, such as its proximity to water, and whether it’s in a place that has full access to sun and wind.
Internally, for the likes of bespoke log cabins, you may find that the use of LED lightbulbs can save money, and this type of lighting can often last longer than traditional versions. Composting toilets are another way to avoid mains water and to reduce any pollution.
When you are using a BBQ shed, be sure to recycle all used pots and packaging.
Here at Logspan, we can help and support your decision-making process when you are looking to purchase a bespoke log cabin of your own. Contact our team today for more information.
One of the reasons people build bespoke log cabins is to feel at one with nature, and to create a building that has a limited impact on the environment.
There are many ways to reduce your carbon footprint when designing outdoor huts and gazebos, but one of the main ways is to use sustainable wood.
An easy way to make sure wood earmarked for garden cabin rooms is environmentally friendly is to make sure it comes from certified sustainable sources. This usually means that timber has been procured from certified forests.
These areas are managed in a way that protects the environment, and the trees that are cut down to make bespoke log cabins are often replaced.
Obtaining a Chain of Custody Certificate is another way to ensure that wood for structures, such as indoor barbeque rooms and hot tub garden rooms, has not negatively impacted the environment. This takes into account each step of the process, from harvesting, transportation and treatment.
You may also wish to discuss with your suppliers how they reduce wastage during the timber production process. This could include ensuring cut-offs are used in the building of the bespoke log cabins, or employing timber yards that have waste reduction policies.
Other things to look out for include using providers that use technologies and innovations to reduce waste and encourage diversity in their approach to planting and harvesting.
Here at Logspan, our team are experts on bespoke log cabins and other outdoor structures. Visit us today for more information on the processes involved.
Although bespoke log cabins are generally considered to be environmentally friendly, there are always ways to increase their sustainability.
Using dead timber to construct log cabins is a relatively straightforward way to have a minimal impact on the natural world. Using recycled materials not only has environmentally friendly credentials, but they also reduce the maintenance costs of outdoor huts and gazebos in the long term. Old cut-offs and remnants of wood and other materials can be used to strengthen log cabins, or be used to create additions such as shaded porches, or extra guttering to capture rainwater.
Using professional construction techniques ensures that during the day, the garden cabin room or school cabin will attract and absorb heat from sunlight. This is a natural warming system that can reduce other heating costs, as well as your carbon footprint. During the evening, this heat will normally dissipate, naturally cooling down the space and negating the need for electric air coolers.
Increasing insulation with more natural products like mortar or sheep’s wool reduces the need for more toxic, synthetic chinking. Sub-flooring could be built in, which supports not only the overall strength of log cabins, but also creates a space for ventilation and heat capture.
Solar panels, double-glazed windows and even smaller additions like thermal curtains will ensure your log cabins re-use natural by-products. Energy conserving techniques also save money and make cabins a good long-term investment.
Call our team here at Logspan today for more information about our range of products.
Although log cabins are already an environmentally friendly way to go, there are always ways to improve their green credentials.
If the structure does not lend itself to a garden cabin room, for example, then it is usually best to choose a location on brownfield or abandoned land. Avoiding areas which would be damaged or irreversibly changed with the addition of outdoor huts and gazebos is a kinder choice to make for your placement. Wherever it is located, maximising the natural light that reaches your log cabin is an easy way to reduce energy costs.
Dead timber is often more sustainable than live green wood, and recycled wood is also more sustainable than many other alternatives. These materials are useful for both inside and outside your bespoke log cabins.
It is important to utilise every piece of wood when building log cabins, including the scraps and leftovers. These pieces of timber can come in handy to create architectural features such as porches and balconies, and helps avoid any wastage.
Internally, adding details such as ceiling fans will reduce the need for air conditioning units, which often have a negative impact on the environment. When selecting whitegoods such as dishwashers and freezers, try to select those of the highest ratings to reduce their energy consumption. Under floor heating provided by a water pump will not only reduce energy costs but will also recycle other products, such as rainwater collected in water barrels.
For more detailed information regarding bespoke log cabins, give our knowledgeable team here at Logspan a call today.
There are many reasons to use sustainable building materials when constructing log cabins. For example, when the wooden planks are locally sourced, the overall carbon footprint of the garden cabin room is reduced. Usually, the wood used for these structures contains high levels of carbon; this means that the carbon stored in these could cancel out the carbon emissions of less effectively fabricated local buildings.
The localisation of the production and preparation of this wood has a positive impact on the nearby economy. This increases the creation and access of good quality jobs and ensures that the money spent on materials is done so in community enterprises.
Because of the durability of sustainable woods, there is less likelihood of the need for repeated repairs and maintenance. This means that the garden cabin room can remain free from renovation materials, which may not be as eco-friendly as the original building materials.
When good quality wood is used in the construction of bbq cabins, the building becomes much more insulated than normal. This will not only be cheaper for the owner to live or work there, but also means that less energy will be used to heat or cool down the cabin; the impact of greenhouse gasses is reduced.
It has been shown that people living or working in wood-built outdoor huts and gazebos are less stressed and feel that their productivity is increased, as well as their creativity.
Let our team at Logspan tell you about our sustainable materials; contact us today to learn more.
Compared to traditional pieces of construction, log cabins are often considered to be healthier for the natural environment. But is this really the case?
The short answer is yes, log cabins can, and generally are, very environmentally friendly. There are many ways to ensure that this is the case and one of the easiest is to use local timber merchants and other tradespeople. This reduces the need for long-distance travel and ultimately the carbon footprint of any outdoor huts and gazebos.
Another simple way to improve the environmental credentials of log cabins is to use sustainable wood and other building materials. These can be recycled goods, wood that is grown and cut down in an appropriate way and using paints and stains which are low in those ingredients which have an impact on the ozone layer.
To reduce the consumption of power, inserting large windows for natural light into bbq huts, hot tub garden rooms or simple log cabins will negate the need to use artificial lighting sources. Securing solar panels to the cabin roof also will reduce the need for heating or cooling systems which again, curtails the use of polluting gadgets.
On the outside of the cabin, adding gardens or areas where lots of plants can be grown will not only increase oxygen levels, but may also be a source of organically grown fruit and vegetables, which are healthier than many shop bought items.
Our team members at Logspan can help you make sure you use the best materials for your log cabins, so give us a call today.
It is always crucial to consider the environmental factors when investing or building a log cabin. Deriving wood materials from sustainable sources can be one of the founding principles of having an environmentally friendly structure with the lowest carbon footprint possible.
The increase in sustainable forestry practices means that work is done to ensure enough trees are planted to increase carbon capture, whilst simultaneously providing enough timber for building. It is common for older tress to be cut down, allowing younger ones to maximise their capacity for absorbing carbon. These older trees are then used for a wide range of building projects, without the need to remove other essential areas of forests.
Local woodland and forestry management plays a part in preserving areas of natural woodlands. This means that there is scope to increase the numbers of essential trees and also maintain the appropriate levels of the wood we need for various purposes. Several legal standards preserve these practices.
When trees are planted for the specific purpose of wood production, there is an increase in habitats for local wildlife, as well as providing natural flood defences. Timber grown and prepared locally decreases the need for overseas transportation; it also helps increase employment for local people.
Timber used for log cabins or bbq huts can be reused in a way many other materials cannot. Simply repainting or sanding planks will render them reusable, making wood perhaps one of the most sustainable building materials around.
Our team at Logspan can tell you about how we source our cabin materials, so contact us today to learn more.