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A High Performance Log Home

A high performance log house is one built using best practices for maximum energy efficiency, improved indoor air quality, limited waste and a long-range approach to utilizing resources responsibly.

Sounds like green building? It is, but with an emphasis on the end-users gains rather than the builders inputs.

A High Performance Log Cabin House:

  • Uses less water each month, saving on the utility bill.
  • Uses less energy to heat and cool, saving money.
  • Has improved indoor air quality due to the use of low VOC paints, or wood floors versus carpets.
  • Receives passive solar heat gain in the winter and reduced heat in the summer and from the setting sun by simply positioning the house on the site properly. It isn't constantly fighting the natural heating and cooling cycles of the seasons.
  • Puts a lighter load or leaves a smaller carbon footprint on the earth by not squandering resources unnecessarily. It doesn't mean less comfortable, simply more efficient.
  • Works as a more cohesive unit by optimizing each individual system.
  • Frees up the homeowner from endless maintenance projects due to poor design or implementation.
  • Preserves our resources for future generations